Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cats, Cars and Love!

When my partner Evan and I first got together we would sit in his car day and night , smoke cigarettes and listen to the Oldies station.  We'd talk about love, life, our past, and our hopes for the future. 

I found it to be very romantic and fun. Over time it became a ritual and it wasn't long before Bowser wanted in on the action!

He would climb up to the roof of the car and peek his head in to let us know he was there...and to see if he was welcomed.

Once we gave him the "go ahead" he would step onto the door to check the situation out and to show off his excellent balance (even at 14 years old!)

And then he would make himself at home and enjoy the tunes!

I knew Evan was the one because he enjoyed (and encouraged!) the furry-faced visits as much as I did and never complained about the cat fur flying in our face once we decided to go for a drive.

Speaking of cats and driving...We knew we were going to be moving soon so we wanted to see how the cats would do in a long car ride through the mountains without having to be in a carrier the whole time.  

Here is Isis on her test-run drive to the general store!

She's not so sure about this moving car thing...
That which does not kill her makes her stronger...

She surrenders...

...and enjoys the view!
The move itself went as you might expect...Isis and Tommy peed, Isis pooped, and Bowser threw up! But we made it safe and sound despite the smells and we are all currently enjoying our new home. :-)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Helpful Reminders!

Sometimes people need to be reminded to slow down and look for cats!  I made this sign when I moved to Hyampom, CA...a very small and beautiful valley town in the Trinity Shasta National Forest.   Up until that point my outdoor cats lived in the city, but we were on a row of houses that were located up off the road, so no need to worry about cars.  

When I moved I ended up right next to a road that led to the river behind my wasn't  a busy road at all...probably 5-10 cars a day would go by...BUT they were fast drivers and big trucks...and they were locals who drove it often and for months and months (if not longer) no cats were living so close to the road.  My fear was that people were likely to assume that it was a cat-free zone...and with that much time in between cars coming by and not coming by I was worried that my older cat Bowser would fall asleep in the middle of the road and not get out of the way in time.  

After about a month...I realized I was just being paranoid :-)  

I learned that even in the country, cats don't tend to sleep in the middle of the road...cats are smart like that!

However my paranoia and creative attempt at avoiding an accident led to my new community becoming aware that I could make signs! So I was asked to do a few for some local events around town.

And my all time favorite is the one my friend Pepper asked me to make!  

Someone kept parking their horse in front of her place when they would go into the general store next door.  Horses poop a lot...and if that wasn't bad enough it rains a lot in Northern California sooooo it became a sloppy messy issue...and dangerous because the horse loved to poop right on her walking ramp up to her porch.  

Pepper, who has a great sense of humor, was very specific about what she wanted...a horse pooping with it's tail up and a red-circle and slash.  She didn't want it to come off as mean so I added flowers for a friendly feel.  

I was very proud of this sign...I never thought I could draw very well and was pleased to discover that not only could I in fact draw a cartoon horse...I could convey him pooping!  

Unfortunately, my flowers were not enough to quell controversy.  The gentleman with the horse was a little offended...since he was obviously the cuplrit and was being asked publicly to not park there.  I asked him to not shoot the messanger and assured him that it was all in fun.  He took note and talked to Pepper and they agreed to him parking his horse on the other side of the house away from the walk-way.  And everyone lived happily ever after!

The moral of the story is this: If you don't want your cats to get hit by a car...don't be ashamed to be bold in doing something about it because you might just make some friends and save someone from slipping in horseshit and breaking their hip!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Cat Bowser Is A Good Sport!

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

"I'm A Cat" ~ A Song - UnificationNow

A little song I wrote honoring all the cats in the world and their simple and perfect ways!

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gay Cat Marriage Is Legal!!!

I was very moved and excited when California had the balls to make Gay Marriage legal...which was the inspiration for my creation of this celebratory video in 2008.  I'm not gay, but I come from a background of art and theater, so the notion that people of the same sex can love each other and want to commit for life feels quite basic and normal.  I've been to as many gay weddings as I have straight weddings and have always felt that it is both cruel and ridiculous to not allow them the same rights as straight folks when it comes to legal commitments.  I was proud to live in a state that supported that notion. Unfortunately, that did not last long...
I have had a few comments from people about this video accusing me of making fun of gay rights by comparing them to cats.  Just so ya know...I'm not.  Bowser and Bobo were very gay for each other and were great companions until Bobo died last November.  I decided to work with cats on this project because
a.) they are natural actors
b.) it's just as absurd and silly to imagine a world where cats marry each other as it is to actually live in a country where gay people are NOT ALLOWED to marry each other.  (Separation of church and state will remain a myth in my mind until this changed throughout the entire country)   
c.) i'm a crazy cat lady who thinks cats doing anything human is cute and funny :-)

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