Thursday, April 14, 2011

Preparing for the Passing of a Beloved Pet

I've decided to do a series of blogs sharing the process I went through when my beloved Tammy-Cat passed away. It was a very hard loss for me...much harder than I could have ever imagined. I cried for months...missing her so much.  I felt ridiculous at times, but I loved that freakin' cat so much!  Not only was she my first pet to die, but really the first "person" to pass in my life. I have been lucky with not losing the people really close to me at this point in my life.  My old boy Bowser is getting pretty old and I sense I will have to deal with his passing in the semi-near I'm revisiting these videos once more.  He too will be a hard loss.

I'm sure many of you reading understand what I mean about a "hard loss" or are possibly facing something similar. If not right now, you may have to confront this at some point. It is the emotional sacrifice we make by choosing to bring a pet into our life. Hopefully what I share can be a source of support for anyone dealing with the grief of losing a furry friend.

I made this video in June of 2009 right before she died in my arms. Her passing was the most beautiful spiritual experience I have ever had...I actually felt her spirit pass through me. She stayed with me in spirit for about 9 months regularly...purring on my chest at night and even when riding the bus...literally. I know it sounds nuts to some, but I could feel her purr on me just like you would a living cat.

If you are open to seeing the signs and sensing their energy...your pet will let you know they are still with you even if they are physically gone. After awhile, the more I healed, she backed off but would come to me at times when I was stressed or scared. Even as recent as last week I could feel her purr on me in a moment when I needed to feel strong and supported. Our pets love us so much...just as much as we love them.

I was feeling really emotional the day I made this video and wanted to process my feelings and share. I will post the videos I made after she passed, to help me in my grief, in the coming days, so if this is a topic that speaks to you, be sure to follow so you can stay posted with upcoming videos.

I still love and miss you Tammy-Cat!  Thank you for being such a good friend and teacher to me!

Here is one of the "WISE CATS" videos I reference above...If she could talk I think this is what she would sound like and what she would say...she was such a crone...such a wise old gal!


  1. Tammy-cat was indeed a wise entity. How fortunate for you to have had her in your life for so long. I know the feeling of her purring on you after her passing must have aided your heart's healing. What a gift to receive!

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